Eid-ul-Azha: Online Bakra Mandis’ Trend Growing Ahead

Online Bakra Mandis

Like the online shopping trend, this year\’s new trend of online booking for Eidul Azha animals has increased because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Because of the increase in Online Bakra Mandis, many websites increase the cattle price by 20 to 25%. This year District administrations have prohibited the setting up of cattle markets in metropolitan cities. Including Lahore, to contain the virus\’s spread. This move has led to a growing trend of online booking to carry out sacrificial ritual.

Also Read: Eid ul Adha 2021: Online Book Your Sacrificial Animal

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Online Website prices

Online Bakra Mandis operators believe that the concept is still new. A majority of the people still prefer to personally visit cattle markets to buy sacrificial animals that suit their budget. At these Online Bakra Mandis, sacrificial goats are sold in the range of Rs25,000 to Rs45,000. Rates for cows start at Rs80,000, while the rate of camels ranges from Rs 125,000 to Rs 175,000. A single share in the sacrifice costs Rs24,000.

A trader at a leading online portal hopes to sell 100,000 sacrificial animals this year. up from 75,000 last year and 67,000 a year before that

Online charity

Subsequently, various welfare hospitals, religious schools, charitable organizations, and other institutions have started marketing sacrificial animals on social media platforms. They are inviting citizens to perform the religious obligation through online purchases

Organization prices

Organizations involved in providing sacrificing services are selling the animals at different rates. The price of sheep and goats submitte by Shaukat Khanum Hospital is Rs 22,000, while a share in a cow is offered at Rs9,500 for each head, and a whole cow price is Rs66,500. The Edhi Foundation is offering sheep and goats for Rs11,000 each, while a share of sacrifice collectively is priced at Rs7,500 and a whole cow at Rs 52,500. Al-Khidmat Foundation has fixed the price of a share in a cow at Rs11,000 per person, while the price of a goat and sheep is fixed at Rs24,000.

According to Rana Mubasshir Hassan, said he owns a cattle farm and contacts other cattle farmers.

“Cattle vendors are now publishing photos and videos of their animals on social media platforms, predominately Facebook. Many customers from Pakistan and abroad are placing their orders and reservations for sacrifices,” Hassan said, adding that the price of each animal is determined by its weight, health, and age. \”We are selling the same animals as shown in the pictures and videos,\” he explained. \”My company does not cheat anyone because sacrifice is a religious duty. Therefore, we are completely transparent in our dealings. The prices of animals are updating after every few days as the price of fodder and maintenance cost of these animals keep increasing over time.\”

Online websites

  • www.qurbanionline.com
  • www.bakra-mandi.com 
  • www.qurbaniapp.com/
  • www.bakraonline.pk 
  • www.eidqurbani.com.pk/

This year individual animal-selling arguably fetches higher returns because it is at this stage that the animals are categoris not only by their weight and size but also by their breed or looks, with their prices set accordingly.

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